At number two on the Eurovision Top 100 list, the all-time runner-up is “Nel blu, dipinto di blu” by Domenico Modugno.
You probably know this song, even if you do not know it by its official title. If you have heard an old song from the 1950s called “Volare,” then yes, you have heard this. It is the same song, but it became internationally known by that one key word in its chorus.
Did I mention that this was perhaps the worst snub in Eurovision history? You already know I have a problem with how “Ein Lied kann eine Brücke sein” was treated in 1975, but this was worse in its own way. In a moment, we will get into how this song did well for itself, anyway, even though it did not win a trophy.
Vital Information: “Nel blu, dipinto di blu”
Song | Nel blu, dipinto di blu |
English Translation | In the blue, painted in blue |
Performed By | Domenico Modugno |
Written By | Domenico Modugno & Franco Migliacci |
Country | Italy |
Year | 1958 |
Language(s) Performed In | Italian |
How It Fared | 3rd Place (13 Points) |
Was It Fair? | Not even a little |
What I Liked
This song gave me everything I wanted and needed: Vocals, power, emotion, good lyrics, energy, and a sense of being very, very memorable. In fact, it was the most memorable song of its Eurovision era, and that was obvious right away. Domenico put his heart and soul into this performance.
Other Facts
- Despite its preposterous snub at the contest, this song was perhaps Eurovision’s first global hit song. It was so well-received that it won two Grammy Awards at the contest’s inaugural edition in 1959. Specifically, it beat out Frank Sinatra and Perry Como to win both Record of the Year and Song of the Year. The song was also nominated for Best Vocal Performance by a Male. (1st Annual GRAMMY Awards |, n.d.)
- Domenico became a huge star in Italian music and movies. Eventually, he was also elected to the Italian Parliament, which we detailed in another piece.
- He represented Italy two more times at Eurovision: 1959 and 1966.
- Italy went first in the running order in 1958, but technical difficulties during the performance meant he sang again a second time at the very end. One could say he bookended the contest.
Watch “Nel blu, dipinto di blu”
Go find this video on YouTube, and if the mood strikes you, watch it.
1st Annual GRAMMY Awards | (n.d.).