Accessibility and Notices to Visitors

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The Euro Yard has taken steps to ensure that this website is accessible to all visitors of varying abilities. True accessibility takes a great deal of work and patience, but we are mindful of our visitors and are doing what we can to ensure your visit meets your needs. We make periodic upgrades and updates to this website.


Please be advised that The Euro Yard is not affiliated with the Eurovision Song Contest, the European Broadcasting Union, any participating national broadcaster, or performing act(s). We do not claim any ownership rights or connections to the same.

Outside Links

The Euro Yard will sometimes link to outside websites in our articles. These articles are linked to provide you with additional context or sources when offering information and opinions. You do not have to follow these links, and if you do not trust the sources, do not click them. We are not responsible for those websites, nor their adherence (or lack thereof) to privacy and accessibility standards.

Privacy Policy

Please read our privacy policy at this link.

Cookie Policy

Our cookie policy is available for viewing here.


The Euro Yard endeavors to create all original content, provide proper attribution when needed for written sources, and avoid unauthorized publication of licensed graphic material. We take copyright issues seriously and take care to respect those of others.

However, if you believe that The Euro Yard may have infringed upon your copyright, please contact the webmaster. Please provide as much information as possible with your take-down request, including your name, the alleged infringement, and its location(s) on the website. Prior to submitting your request, please consider the principles of Fair Use, among other things. If, however, you have submitted a valid request, we will work expeditiously to remove the material.

We reserve all rights to protect our own intellectual property as it may appear.