NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 44 - Poupee de cire poupee de son NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 44 - Poupee de cire poupee de son

Eurovision Top 100, #44: Poupée de cire, poupée de son (Luxembourg 1965)

At number 44 on the Eurovision Top 100 countdown is a classic: “Poupée de cire, poupée de son” from Luxembourg in 1965.

This is one of the more iconic entries in Eurovision history.  It marked the start of a real shift in the contest for the first time.  Up to this point, the winning songs had (for the most part) been vocal-heavy and generally slower.  However, this song was all 60s pop, and it was the first time a song like this won Eurovision.  While the 1966 winner would return to the original formula, the 1967 winner would further advance this contest to its second era of winners.

NEW Eurovision Top 100 - Song Info 44 - Poupée de cire poupée de son - Luxembourg 1965 winner

Vital Information: “Poupée de cire, poupée de son”

SongPoupée de cire, poupée de son
English TranslationWax doll, sound doll (or rag doll)
Performed ByFrance Gall
Written BySerge Gainsbourg
Language(s) Performed InFrench
How It FaredWon (32 Points)
Was It Fair?Yes

What I Liked

Gall’s song was a vibe shift for Eurovision.  Was the singing the best, no, but it scored high marks in many other categories.  It was exciting, well-written, and left a strong impression.  This song dripped “60s” from every crevice and the contest was better for it. The orchestral arrangement was great as well, and the intro to the song is nothing short of legendary.

Speaking of it being well-written, the song is about the singer being a doll, and yes, it tells a story about love, boys, and the judgment of those around her.

Other Facts

  • France Gall competed alongside Austria’s Udo Jürgens in the 1965 contest, and would present him the award for his win the following year for “Merci, Chérie.”
  • In a television interview on France 2 years later, Gall claimed that Britain’s entrant, Kathy Kirby (“I Belong”), slapped her after the show.  While she was alive, Kirby never confirmed it publicly.  Gall also said that her boyfriend at the time dumped her after winning the contest. (Granger, 2015)
  • None of Luxembourg’s five Eurovision winners were from Luxembourg.
  • Gall performed 15th out of 18 in the running order.
  • A very recognizable hit song of this era, it has been covered numerous times by other singers and bands, even up into modern times.  At the 2024 Luxembourg national final, this song was performed in the interval by the competitors.

You Simply Must Watch “Poupée de cire, poupée de son”

Of course, you already know it’s on YouTube.


Granger, A. (2015, September 29). Luxembourg: France Gall speaks of Eurovision sadness. Eurovoix.

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