NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 68 - Muzika i ti NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 68 - Muzika i ti

Eurovision Top 100, #68: Muzika i ti (Yugoslavia, 1972)

The erstwhile Yugoslavia is back on the Eurovision Top 100 list, with Tereza’s “Muzika i ti” coming in at number 68.

Those who have taken the time to know what our key factors in when evaluating every Eurovision song ever are aware that vocals are a sizable portion of the score.  Aside from overall impression, no other category means more in determining what songs we think are worthy aside from vocals.  If you sing well and show off range, the song is going to surge.  However, there needs to be more to it than that.  A singer needs to have presence and a good song behind them.  Tereza had that in her second Eurovision effort in 1972, representing her home country.

NEW Eurovision Top 100 - Song Info 68 - Muzika i ti - Yugoslavia 1972

Vital Information: “Muzika i ti”

SongMuzika i ti
English TranslationMusic and you
Performed ByTereza Kesovija
Written ByNikica Kalogjera, Ivica Krajač
Language(s) Performed InCroatian
How It Fared9th Place (87 Points)
Was It Fair?Absolutely not

What I Liked

The orchestral arrangement was grand – it was a little bit like an opening hymn at church at first, but it quickly evolved into a showcase of Tereza’s talent.  She sang great and put a ton of soul into it.  Remember that “presence” I mentioned?  It was here from beginning to end.  There was nothing flat about this performance at all and it was a very, very good night for her, even if the scoreboard did not agree.

Other Facts

  • As noted, this was Tereza’s second time performing at Eurovision.  Her first was in 1966, when she represented Monaco with the French-language song “Bien plus fort.”
  • The conductor and composer, Nikica Kalogjera, also composed Yugoslavia’s only winning song in 1989. (source: Eurovision World)
  • The lyricist, Ivica Krajač, was better known as Ivan.  He was Yugoslavia’s entry in 1969 with the song “Pozdrav svijetu.”
  • Tereza was, and still is, a famous Croatian singer.  She released her last album in 2016.
  • She performed 13th in the running order in 1972.

“Muzika i ti” on YouTube

She sang great, so why wouldn’t you want to follow the YouTube link?

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