NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 13 - Fangad av en stormvind NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 13 - Fangad av en stormvind

Eurovision Top 100, #13: Fångad av en stormvind (Sweden, 1991)

We promised you more Swedish winners, because at number 13 on the Eurovision Top 100 list, it’s Carola’s “Fångad av en stormvind.”

Carola Häggkvist, Eurovision royalty and a Gold Tier member of this Top 100 countdown, appeared at the contest three times, and in three different decades.  Her breakout performance was in 1983 when she wowed the crowd at a young age with “Främling.”  Her final Eurovision appearance (as a performer) was in 2005 with a polished performance in “Invincible.”

This was her middle, and most successful, entry into the contest.  Sure, she was just one point from losing the crown, but as it turned out, it fit well on her head.

NEW Eurovision Top 100 - Song Info 13 - Fångad av en stormvind - Sweden 1991 winner

Vital Information: “Fångad av en stormvind”

SongFångad av en stormvind
English TranslationCaught by a storm wind
Performed ByCarola
Written ByStephan Berg
Language(s) Performed InSwedish
How It FaredWon (146 Points)
Was It Fair?Yes, obviously

What I Liked

For starters, I wish I had that much energy at any point in my life.  They were swinging and dancing and shaking like it was nobody’s business, and the men did it in suits, no less.  That should have been your first clue that we were in for a high-energy performance.  This song was all-gas-no-brakes fun, and they even had the fans blow a breeze on her to complete the visual.

Her vocals, as always, were strong.  Carola is a great singer, and especially in her prime, she could do just about anything she wanted in that department.

Other Facts

  • Carola tied with France’s Amina at the end of the counting.  This was the second first-place tie in Eurovision history.  However, unlike the debacle in 1969, the EBU judges did a “count-back” of top scores.  The country with the most douze points would win, then 10 points and so forth if further tiebreakers were needed.  Sweden and France both got the same number of douze points, but Sweden received more tens, therefore Carola won.
  • This was the third time Sweden had won Eurovision.
  • Carola performed eighth in the running order in 1991; ironically, Amina of France went right after her.

Get “Fångad av en stormvind”

You know you don’t have to click outside links, but if you do, the video is on YouTube.

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