NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 9 NEW Eurovision Top 100 All-Time - Number 9

Eurovision Top 100, #9: Puppet on a String (United Kingdom, 1967)

We have made it into the single digits in this Eurovision Top 100 countdown, and number 9 is a classic winner: “Puppet on a String.”

The United Kingdom, first entering the Eurovision Song Contest ten years earlier in 1957, longed to taste the sweetness of victory.  In fact, the contest had been a rather cruel mistress to Great Britain and associated areas up until 1967.  This country came in second place five times between 1959 and 1965, no doubt wondering what the bloody hell they had to do to win this thing.

Then came Sandie Shaw with Coulter and Martin’s song, and Britain was saved by the Eurovision gods at last.

NEW Eurovision Top 100 - Song Info 9 - Puppet on a string - UK 1967 winner

Vital Information: “Puppet on a String”

SongPuppet on a String
Performed BySandie Shaw
Written ByPhil Coulter & Bill Martin
CountryUnited Kingdom
Language(s) Performed InEnglish
How It FaredWon (47 Points)
Was It Fair?Yes

What I Liked

For reasons we will get into shortly, not everybody appreciated the beat of this song, but it was quite unique in the contest at this point.  “Poupée de cire, poupée de son” in 1965 began the contest’s transition into more of a modern (for the time) pop competition, and this song finished it.  From this point on, there was a lot more of it around, even though it may not always have won.  In that respect, it was transformative (though it would be another 5-10 years until the transformative song plowed through Eurovision).

Like that Luxembourgish winner from a few years earlier, this particular song was upbeat easy listening.  Sandie may not have been in love with what she was given, but she conducted herself like a true professional, with good vocals, good energy, and a smooth performance.

Other Facts

  • This song won the 1967 contest in a rout.  Shaw and the UK finished with 47 points, more than twice as many as second-place Ireland (22).
  • What makes things quite ironic is that Shaw reportedly hated this song back in the day, and for a long time thereafter. (Webb, 2022)
  • As noted previously, this was the United Kingdom’s first victory at Eurovision.  This began a stretch where the UK would not finish lower than fourth place until 1978.
  • The songwriters, Phil Coulter and Bill Martin, also wrote the following year’s song, “Congratulations,” which almost won itself.
  • Shaw’s trademark was being barefoot, and yes, she was for this performance.
  • Sandie performed in 11th position in the 1967 running order. The audio did not pick up for the opening of her performance.

You Know Where to Find “Puppet on a String”

Like almost every other song on this Top 100 list, it’s on YouTube.


Webb, R. (2022, April 22). Story of the song: Puppet on a String by Sandie Shaw. The Independent.

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